I try to maintain the schedule on this page, but it can get out of date. So please join my mailing list and be informed of new posts. Don’t hesitate to email me at jaconet@aol.com if you have any questions.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to Covid, all tours are currently on hold. We hope to resume as soon as it’s safe to do so. In the meantime, below is a sample of our past tours for your information.
March 19-29
Now in its tenth year: Queens World Film Festival
> Please see https://queensworldfilmfestival.com
March 29, 11AM-1PM (Sunday)
Exploring the Amazon Basin (in Queens)
No mosquitoes to fight. No machetes needed. This is the area that corporate Amazon rejected under community pressure. They chose not to negotiate. The area is still prime for artist and tech startup investments. See my published article https://thisisqueensborough.com/thank-you-amazon-you-put-the-spotlight-on-lic > Meet at the NE corner 21 St./44 Dr. (West end of E stop at Court Square/23 St) The tour is limited to 30 participants. The fee is $20, payable at the start of the tour. Registration required at jaconet@aol.com
April 18, 10AM-5:30PM (Saturday)
(The Mets are playing at home so the #7 is not affected for the weekend!) Since 1999, when the Metrocard matured, I have led a tour called The World of the Number 7 Train. This series of six walks and connecting rides along North Queens transportation corridor became my signature tour, focusing on what the #7 train did to and for adjacent neighborhoods since it began service in 1914. So much has changed since the tour began. In the NEW World of the Number 7 Train, walks take place in the Hudson Yards, the Long Island City shoreline, Flushing West, the Iron Triangle, North Corona, and Woodside-Jackson Heights. The routes are all different from the original tour. SO COME AGAIN! Lunch is still in Flushing’s Asian food mecca. > Tour fee is $49 and you need to register by check to Jack Eichenbaum, 36-20 Bowne St #6C, Flushing, NY 11354 (Include name(s) and email address(es.) Or pay with PayPal https:geognyc.com/payments/ Queries to jaconet@aol.com
May 22, 5:30-7:30 PM (Friday)
Jackson Heights
Jackson Heights, Queens is the birthplace of Scrabble and Garden Apartments and currently the most populous location of NYC’s contemporary South Asian and South American communities. Alfred Butts, the inventor of Scrabble was an inventor living in one of Jackson Heights’ garden apartments in the 1930’s. He designed the community house for the Methodist church where he was a member. At that site his wife played the prototype game with her friends. Nearby a street sign commemorates Butts’ invention. Given the contemporary ethnic mix, a variety dinner of recommendations will be distributed. > Meets in Diversity Plaza 37 Rd/74 St at 5:30PM Location accessible to #7 train (74 St.) and E,F,M,R trains (Roosevelt Ave. Express station) Travel time about 20-25 minutes from midtown Manhattan. The fee is $20 payable at the start of the tour. Registration required at jaconet@aol.com